OnTrak Smart Factory – Visualization & Analytics

Location-based and operating data of workers, machines, forklifts, AGVs in the factory when synthesized, analyzed into statistics, predictions, visualization into charts, graphs … give an overview and analysis of the factory operation, assess the problems and improve, optimize the operation.

The interactive dashboard is accessible through the Web or mobile application, provides access to powerful visual analytics to explore the data elaborated by OnTrak. It allows to understand how the factory is operating, where the workers and asset are in the factory, how many production line are operating, the production speed…

Operating of the production line, production speed, target quantity and estimate when reach the target:

Analyze the worker performance in realtime:

Analyze the performance of AGV / forklift to understand machine efficiency, time usage. Heatmap and spaghetti chart to analyze the suitability of layout, optimization of operation.

For further information and advice how to take steps toward the smart factory please contact:

Nhatrang Hitech company

Email: ontrak@ontrak.vn

Nhatrang Hitech – Professional IoT Solution