The very first interactive running track in Vietnam
The very first interactive running track in Vietnam was successfully launched with the playground “Va^.t cu~ mon
re`n ne^n nha` vo^ dich” of Nestle MILO at Sc Vivo City, Ho Chi Minh City on June 8 and 9, 2019 and Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square, Hanoi on June 15 and 16, 2019.
The event attracted thousands of participants in the place, creating a very good effect for the brand.
Photos of events at Sc Vivo city, Ho Chi Minh City:

Photos of events at Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc square, Hanoi:

The interactive running track is an application of the #GalaxyRTLS, which is researched and developed by Nhatrang Hitech, and FIRST INTERACTIVE TECHNOLOGY is a deployment partner.
#GalaxyRTLS real-time location system has application packages for:
-Real-time Worker/VIP positioning system.
– Real-time asset management system.
– Real-time pallet management system.
Nhatrang Hitech is also cooperating with many partners to deploy projects for Smart Building, Smart Office, Smart Factory, Smart Warehouse, Smart City …
Please visit the website for further information or contact for cooperation opportunities!